This website is part of a not-for-profit peer-reviewed research project published in the medical journal Canadian Family Physician January 2015, 61 (1) e9-e16.
Medical emergency situations occur commonly in busy medical offices. However, studies show many of these offices are poorly prepared for such emergencies. This website features a free video to help prepare family physicians, other medical specialists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and office staff.
Is your office ready for a medical emergency?
Watch the Free Video
For Physicians, Nurses, and Office Staff
Learn what you need to know to handle an office emergency. Based on a 2011 literature review. By Dr. Simon Moore MD CCFP of The Review Course in Family Medicine
This website is part of a not-for-profit peer-reviewed research project published in the medical journal Canadian Family Physician January 2015, 61 (1) e9-e16